And we are going back to some kick ass blog posts from the last week:
- Another great article by James Christie on a book called “The utopia of rules”, by David Graeber. The article makes cross references between the book and some testing issues, that James addressed in the past in some of his talks in CAST and other conferences. From what I’ve red in the article so far, I definitely want to take a look on the book.
David Graeber’s “The Utopia of Rules: On Technology, Stupidity and the Secret Joys of Bureaucracy” - Another great addition, this time in LinkedIn Pulse, Bas Dijkstra made a great article on test automation should be understood and approached, better check if for yourself:
Three things everybody should know about test automation - Great interview by Joe Colantonio with David Greenlees on his new book, “Software testing as martial art”. If you still didn’t have the chance to read David’s new book and are interested on what it is about, this will definitely give you some information:
EPISODE 96: Software Testing as a Martial Art - Epic! I don’t know how to call the last video by the series “Whiteboard testing” by Richard Bradshaw. The topic this time is the distinction between testing and QA and the use of terms “we are going to QA it”, “it’s in QA” and so on. Really important distinction, that we are actually doing testing and process of quality assurance is process that has the involvement of every member of the team. Great video, really, you can watch it here:
I’m QA. It’s in QA. It’s being QA’ed. You sure about that? - More advanced tips on writing tests for grid controls by Anton Angelov, here. If you are interested, I strongly recommend that you read the rest of the series:
Advanced Reuse Tactics for Grid Controls Automated Tests - Another webinar by Rex Black, that drew a lot of attention in the testing community, perhaps because of some interesting notions that the author makes. You can listen the whole webinar here:
Why Does Software Quality (Still) Suck - And some reactions here:
Software testing: craft or engineering? - Another great post by Brendan Connolly, that aims to decompose some testing terminology and try to make sense in its definitions, a task that should be a foundation for every software tester. So, what’s the result of that decomposition? Go read Brendan’s post here:
(re)Defining Testing
Another round-up posts:
Automate the planet’s Compelling Sunday by Anton Angelov.
That’s it for now, see you next week. 😉
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