Hindsight lessons about automation: Test isolation principle

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In this part of hindsight lessons about automation I will continue with the principles of automation and I will focus on the one, that I believe is the most significant, at least in my career – the test isolation principle.

Connect, Connection, Cooperation, Hands, Holding

Edit 04 Aug 2018: A reader let me know, that there is more information about it and it has a different name called “hermetic testing pattern”. You can find out more in these resources:

Hermetic testing

Hermetic servers – Google testing blog

What is test isolation?

To be honest, I am not aware of a text-book definition of test isolation, I don’t even see the test isolation principle mentioned a lot, which is the reason I decided to write about it, but I can give you my subjective definition of what test isolation is.

Note: There’s another meaning of test isolation in the context of unit tests, where test isolation principle stands for trying to isolate your unit tests of anything external, using mocks, stubs and other approaches. Anyway, here we will focus on the isolation between tests mainly in the integration and higher-level integration. If you are not familiar with the different layers of testing, I invite you to take a look at the part about layers of automation from the current series.

Test isolation means – to develop and maintain tests that are logically isolated, therefore independent of any other tests that are run in a sequence or in parallel with it. Also, isolated of the environment, specific data or configuration in general. In other words, anything a test needs it should care to create on its own.

I know this might sound kind of trivial, but if you ever wrote code you will be surprised by the implicit assumptions that you are writing in your code, without realising it.

Test isolation is in fact a variation of one of the fundamental principles in software development – strong cohesion and loose coupling. While strong cohesion is something that is not specifically related to this topic, you might be interested in looking at this article, which discussed them both in a really detailed manner.

See also  The missing link between testing and automation

The one that’s interesting for us is – loose coupling. What this means is – our code (classes, methods, interfaces) need to be independent and know nothing about the logic of the surrounding classes, the classes that will invoke it, extend it, etc. If we intentionally or unintentionally break that rule, we start creating what’s called “spaghetti code” – our classes have tiny strings with each other and once we change anything in them, there might be catastrophic, unexpected results.

In testing, the test isolation principle is the alternative of loose coupling – we want to create tests and test functions that are independent, non-relying on other tests, other-wise we might introduce logic that will be very flaky in specific conditions.

A well isolated test doesn’t rely on any other test to be executed or run in order to successfully do its job.

Good isolated tests are specific for the fact that they provide consistent results when they are run:

  • Alone as single test
  • Together as a suite
  • Split in groups like: functional tests only, visual only, regression only, etc.
  • Run in the default order
  • Run in randomized order

How to spot a test with bad isolation?

There’s a couple of criteria that fit in the description of bad isolated test.

  • If you run it alone it fails, in suite it passes.
  • It fails if specific order of execution is broken.
  • It fails in random occasions.
  • It is depending on data or conditions that are set by another test.


Techniques to expose bad test isolation

  • Running tests in randomized order
    Not too long ago I wrote an article about randomizing test execution with TestNG. Some test runners have this as a build in function, but the ones that don’t have it still can do it by simply extending the test runner.
    Why is this useful?
    Well, once you run your tests in random order you find out 100 different ways they break, because you had implicit expectations of the way they worked. This means, when we design and write our tests we are often expecting this variable is set or that condition is met, but in fact our test or our set up method should take care of it.
  • Consistency run – loop of 100 consecutive runs
    Yes, that’s what I mean, running your suite or class for 100 times in a row. And yes, it is not a fast procedure and it will probably not be very useful in a suite of 10000 tests or more, but it is not something that we run hourly.
    The purpose of this is to expose “flaky” tests or tests with bad design and behaviour and don’t produce consistent answer.
    It is easy to use – simply write a console script that calls your suite or test class you want to check 100 times in a row. To optimize it, I set fail first condition – meaning, I want it to stop at the first failure. At this point we don’t care how many of these 100 runs will show failure, if it fails once it’s a problem. You also need good number of logs, because these problems are going to be very slippery to debug.
  • Running test with fresh, different, restored environment
    Another type of “chains” or dependency that we often build into our testing code is the dependency to data. We expect that this record is already there, so I can get it or update it. That’s a problem and this sort of problem can be exposed very easily. Create a fresh instance of the DB you are using with new batch of data (might run some scripts on it in case you have client sensitive data or any that falls under compliance with GDPR or similar standards).
    I had my fair share on rewriting tests that I used one single user for and I expected it will be always there or I used it, because I knew it met the condition X, but these are all bad design decisions.
  • Every test should be responsible for setting its environment
    Another thing that might be useful for your tests, related to environment and configuration is that normally every test should be responsible for creating the conditions it needs to run. In the best case, if there’s a lot of logic that is executed for all tests, it might be pulled into the Set-up method, but it should be executed every time before you run a test, so be careful, don’t put useless stuff there or simply create a good inheritance for your set up.
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This is the short list of techniques and suggestions that I have for you to improve the isolation and break dependencies of your tests. These are simply the ones I know about and the ones I used, if you know more, I’d love to hear about them.

Thanks for reading.

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Senior software engineer in testing. The views I express here are mine, they don't represent any position held by any of my employers. Experience in mobile, automation, usability and exploratory testing. Rebel-driven tester, interested in the scientific part of testing and the thinking involved. Testing troll for life. Retired gamer and a beer lover. Martial arts practitioner.

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5 thoughts on “Hindsight lessons about automation: Test isolation principle”

  1. Hi Mr.Slavchev,

    I have 10 years of programming background and 2 of automation checking.
    I understand quite well the notion of isolating tests from one another and your above advices.
    However, on a practical level, I find it difficult to evaluate if what I am doing is good enough.
    Example: all tests need login first. I want to login with different user roles, of different companies, and insert the same new entity.
    Surely I cannot isolate from login. And the login test case is only one used with multiple test data.
    Is this isolated or coupled?
    How do you recommend doing it?

    Thank you,

    1. Hello, To!
      First of all, it’s a compliment that a person with your experience searches for my opinion, thanks!
      That’s a really good question here and based on it and couple of discussions I had, I think it might make sense to make another chapter of Hindsignt lessons about automation dedicated on data setup for tests.
      One correction though, the isolation principle means not only decoupling between separate tests, but also from test data, environment, test execution order, etc. Ideally, your tests should be able to run in a brand new database, with brand new setup in whatever order you need them and that shouldn’t bother their results. Now, that’s sometimes hard to achieve and there’s different benefits and drawbacks out of it.
      On your example – the login is not coupling, in testing we call it a precondition – meaning, condition to be met in order to perform your tests.
      If the only difference is the user role that you are having, or access level, or different company – this sounds to me like a good candidate for data driven test, where actions should be the same and the only thing that differs is the setup data you feed into your database.
      If that’s not helpful or I misunderstood the question, please elaborate more on it and let me get some more context.
      Best regards,

  2. Hi, Mr.Slavchev

    I have a development experience of 3 years and currently working on building a UI test automation framework for a huge company in Toronto from scratch. We have a situation here, we have approx 30 BVT tests for now that we would like to run in parallel due to which we have to make sure that their data doesn’t overlap. Now this is possible with 30 tests but if we scale it to 100, it would be really hard to have non overlapping data between 100 tests. What are our options here. Thanks in advance!

    1. Hello, Charat!
      It’s hard to give a solution having so little insight on your context, but here’s some data from my experience. We run more than 100 and we still don’t run them in parallel (I mean, we parallel different build jobs, but not tests themselves in separate threads), so if 30 tests need paralelization this might be a red light for more serious matter slowing down execution of your tests.
      As for data overlapping – I don’t see a problem in scaling 30 to 100(and 100 is a very small number in terms of automated checks it’s thousands when things get really funny). If your tests follow the test isolation principle quite well – meaning each test creates their own user, data, prerequisites and doesn’t care where other tests are in their execution. Of course, this will require some sanitization in your setup – for example – making sure you’re not trying to create same username twice or trying to use same user in two parallel tests – this could easily be achieved by storing logged/registered users in some db, in memory or any other.
      Data setup is a tricky part and based on questions under my blog posts I see the need to make a small post about it. Stay tuned and may be soon you can review it and see if you can get some ideas out of it.
      In the mean time, if you have follow up questions, please don’t hesitate to comment here or write a PM to me via the contact form here:

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