Reading Time: 6 minutes The last blog post I added was the 100-th blog post I’ve wrote for I wanted to take the…
Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s a sunny day in the office, you went there earlier than anybody else, cause you’re a frikin’ overachiever, you…
Reading Time: 7 minutes Pretty recently I had a conversation with my direct manager on the end-to-end(e2e) tests and their purpose. I don’t know…
Reading Time: 8 minutes I have a severe cringe reaction every time I hear someone with “manager” or “director” in their title, speaking about…
Reading Time: 4 minutes The following post contains non-technical stuff, if you are interested in technical topics, feel free to skip it. If you…
Reading Time: 6 minutes Short story about the Evergreen CI build Let me tell you a story, it’s a Christmas story. Someone will probably…
Reading Time: 10 minutes Under articles like “The Triple A principle”, I often get questions like “we have troubles with overlapping user data for…
Reading Time: 6 minutes I was thinking on an idea about an article related to testing and software development and their relation to automation.…
Reading Time: 7 minutes In the previous part of hindsight lessons about exploration, I decided to share some knowledge about heuristics. In this part…
Reading Time: 6 minutes In my quest for testing knowledge in which hindsight lessons were born, I am trying to dig deeper in the…