A few thoughts in the last hours of year 2013

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Normally I’m writing technical articles in my blog or at least try to keep them as technical as I can, but since it’s the last day of the year I just wanted to summarize what was important for me during the last year, what  would I take with me in the next year and what would I leave behind, what did I learn.

Whoa, it was quite a journey this year, but I could honestly say it was the most exciting and productive year for me until now .

It started pretty awesome because in January I’ve met my wonderful girlfriend Bilyana and we’re together since then having our beautiful love and mutual understanding and happiness. I hope this stays forever.

I did some awesome choice by starting my career as a software quality assurance and by this getting myself involved in the technical renaissance that is constantly changing human’s life and society. There’s still so much to learn for me out there, but yet – the small piece of knowledge that I obtained only during this year gave me such a boost, that it changed radically my understanding on everything and I will keep that trend in future.

Of course, one of my favorites is I got back in university since I dropped out for about 2 years and to be honest – I don’t feel sorry about it, because now I feel myself stronger and more confident on why I am doing it.

There was a lot of problems during this year, too, but I’d like to leave them in the past. I only regard obstacles we have as stairs – the more we overcome the higher perspective we have on our lives.

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Here’s some important stuff that I learned during this year:

  • The most important is Love yourself – and I will paraphrase Buddha – you can look for the one to love you and respect you for your whole life, and you will fail if you don’t love and respect yourself. Do the things you love, make sure you have at least one day per week to do something that makes you, ONLY YOU, happy. Doesn’t matter what, it could be something silly, mine for example is playing video games, or reading an interesting book, or just watching Discovery channel for hours. Doesn’t matter since it makes you feel good.
  • Don’t stop learning life is a never ending adventure and you are never old enough, or wise enough to have a good excuse and stop improving. I believe one of the most vital stuff I learned around technology is – it’s not the most important thing to be a genius, but to adapt fast and to be ready to do it again, and again …
  • Leave all the thoughts about what you don’t have and what you might had, thoughts like this will bring you a heart attack, a much more healthier and effective way is to just create plan how to achieve it, to put your energy in something creative.
  • Keep track on your goals, make sure you know them – I know this sounds silly, everyone would say “I know what I want from life, I know what to focus on” and I’d say no, you don’t.  Everyone says “I want to live well, to be healthy, to have a nice job, a nice car, and so on..” and this is true, but too abstract. You need to set concrete goals to yourself and pursue them constantly. What I’ve done – I made a list with 10 things I desired most in the next year and guess what – 10 out of 10 plus, the so many bonuses I gained by just being happy and confident that I reached my goals.
  • And last but not least – share your knowledge with others – this is where true mastery hides and this is where great minds are born. Sharing knowledge literally means “I have this advantage over you by being more experienced or anything else so I share it with you, so we have equal chances, and from this point I will compete you, to prove I’m better”.
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Well, that was it for me for this year, I hope all of you will forgive me, if I went too off topic and I hope it was valuable for you too, to read it.

I wish myself to have the ones I love always around me, to be healthy and have a little bit of good luck. Anything else I can do by myself. Let’s get this next productive year started.

Wish you all the best, have a Happy New Year


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Senior software engineer in testing. The views I express here are mine, they don't represent any position held by any of my employers. Experience in mobile, automation, usability and exploratory testing. Rebel-driven tester, interested in the scientific part of testing and the thinking involved. Testing troll for life. Retired gamer and a beer lover. Martial arts practitioner.

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