Test conf calendar page is live!

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I’ve done some changes to my blog, as you might noticed. Besides the fact that I changed the theme, so it doesn’t look like my grandma made the design of it 🙂

I had the idea to make sort of page with all testing conferences I know and have their information and links to their websites, but it turned out it isn’t that easy. So, the idea was dormant for some period of time and now I finally figured it out. Turns out there’s a nice plugin for calendar events that does magnificent job about it. So, it’s done and you can find it in my blog here: https://mrslavchev.com/events/

Some important things to say.

I wish to state explicitly, I am in no way involved in the organisation of any of the mentioned conferences or have any material benefit of listing them. The only reason why I do this is the community of testers that I belong to and the fact that I was looking for such place, where all software testing conferences are listed and I couldn’t find it. That’s why I decided to build it on my own. So, this is a community thing and aims to help community members find conferences easier, get to their site, find local events etc. It all depends on the community and their interest in it.

Some credits, that I need to give.

I didn’t do this all by myself. In fact, long after the idea came to my mind I came up to a list of conferences located here: http://testingconferences.org/ and maintained by Chris Kenst. I never knew the guy, nor I spoke with him, but I’d like to say “Big Thank you!” and acknowledge his great work on listing and maintaining the site, where I got many of the conferences I listed in the calendar, here. First I thought I might contribute there, but the list there doesn’t quite fit what I was looking for, from usability perspective. That’s why I decided to give it a try with the calendar and see how it goes.

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Next steps.

I know I missed many conferences and due to my lack of time and the fact I am far from being a polyglot, I will be happy to get any help on adding new conferences. So, in couple of days or a week max, I will try to provide a form for submitting new conferences. I would really like to add new interesting conferences in locations that are not familiar to me or other testers from US/EU like Australia, Afrika and South Amerika, as well as small local events, so they could reach more people and gain more popularity.

I hope you like it and if you are interested in adding conferences to the list, just follow my blog in the next few days.

Good luck!

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Senior software engineer in testing. The views I express here are mine, they don't represent any position held by any of my employers. Experience in mobile, automation, usability and exploratory testing. Rebel-driven tester, interested in the scientific part of testing and the thinking involved. Testing troll for life. Retired gamer and a beer lover. Martial arts practitioner.

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