Reading Time: 7 minutes I was thinking recently about my career and how it evolved as well as what types of testers I met…
Reading Time: 5 minutes I had time to revisit the show House M.D. recently and while watching it I found out how much a…
Reading Time: 4 minutes This is the last article of this topic and I really enjoyed writing these series, they did surprised me…
Reading Time: 5 minutes Link to QAshido – The path of the tester. Virtue #5: Attention to the detail. Testing as well as development has it’s…
Reading Time: 4 minutes Link to QAshido – The path of the tester. Virtue #4: Personal management skills. We might claim with a good…
Reading Time: 5 minutes Link to QAShido – The path of the tester. Virtue # 2 – Quality advocacy and negotiation skills. Why is…
Reading Time: 6 minutes Link to QAshido – The path of the tester. Virtue # 1 – Technical skills. Why are negotiation skills important? I don’t…
Reading Time: 6 minutes Link to: QAshido – The path of the tester. Why technical skills are important? I think this is a pretty…
Reading Time: < 1 minute This is a great initiative of the guys from Tea Time with Testers and QA Intelligence to start a survey and gather all the software…
Reading Time: 3 minutes This idea came to my mind as a joke, I thought to myself “What if Mythbusters were software testers” and…