Some kick ass blog posts from last week #4

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello everyone, this is the portion of kick ass blog posts from last week:

  • The long-awaited part 2 of James Bach’s series Reinventing testing is out, the part explaining what integration testing really is. In the post James covers some key aspects of the problem like “what is integration in first place”, environments of interaction for integrated parts, dependencies, degrees of integration etc.
    Reinventing Testing: What is Integration Testing? (part 2)
  • Albert Gareev did a great post on having too much trust in automation and his experience with testing accessibility, really interesting view-point.
    Putting Too Much Faith in Tools
  • A great mind has left us last week Marvin Minsky, if I have to be honest I was totally unaware of his contribution to the AI field before I read the following article, but this is probably normal, considering my age and the small experience I have in the IT field in general. The article describes the incredible scientist that Minsky was and really provoked me to dig deeper about him and I wasn’t disappointed. I started a video course from YouTube called “The society of mind” and it is awesome, philosophy, technology all at once. Great source of knowledge and inspiration.
    Marvin Minsky’s Marvelous Meat Machine
  • Couple of interesting articles about Docker, the first one is about miscrocontainers – a small architectures that try to get rid of unnecessary libs and part of the operating system you don’t need. It looks really cool, I didn’t have the chance to play with microcontainers yet, but that will definitely be the next thing I am going to play with.
    Microcontainers – Tiny, Portable Docker Containers
  • This falls into the part – weird stuff you can do with Docker and I just love it, I love every strange aspect you can use Docker at.
    How to train your Docker using voice recognition
  • Great tutorial from Bas Dijkstra on the use of LoadableComponent as extension to our page object classes in order to control dynamic elements that load separately from the page loading.
    Using the LoadableComponent pattern for better Page Object handling in Selenium
  • James Bach and Michael Bolton created this paper in order to present the context driven approach to automation, they started with very profound analysis on the term automation and how it is harmful for the general understanding of testing. The paper is not short, but it’s definitely worth reading.
    A Context-Driven Approach to Automation in Testing
  • Being an introvert myself I loved this topic by Katrina Clockie on introverts in agile, she suggests a couple of interesting approaches in order to improve communicating as being an introvert.
    Introverts in Agile
See also  Organic testing

That’s it for this week. Thanks for reading!

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Senior software engineer in testing. The views I express here are mine, they don't represent any position held by any of my employers. Experience in mobile, automation, usability and exploratory testing. Rebel-driven tester, interested in the scientific part of testing and the thinking involved. Testing troll for life. Retired gamer and a beer lover. Martial arts practitioner.

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4 thoughts on “Some kick ass blog posts from last week #4”

  1. Hi Viktor,

    thanks for including my blog post in your list 🙂

    Thanks even more for providing me with more kick-ass articles to read!

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