Some kick ass blog posts from last week #2.

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Hello everyone and thanks for the positive feedback from the previous part of this weekly summary, I am really happy the format suits you and really hope it’s useful for you.

So, the posts I picked for this week are:

  • This interview with Jerry Weinberg was as awesome as it possibly could, as in everything Jerry Weinberg always provokes thinking and analysis over ones way of testing and general understanding over testings philosophy. I strongly recommend it and one really inspirational quote from that talk, which was really knocking out was – “First of all, management must avoid building or encouraging a blaming culture. Blame kills learning.”
  • James Bach, one more time threw the testing community into hard thinking with a provoking post on redefining testing terms, in this post he gave a live demonstration of his Socratic approach in asking students to explain and define testing terms. The post itself is interesting from the perspective if the reader himself could answer all the questions in a satisfying way. The end is left open, so the readers could give their input and the discussion went on and on and on … I think it’s even more interesting by the post itself due to the teacher – student interaction.
    Re-Inventing Testing: What is Integration Testing? (Part 1)
  • Patrick Prill decided to accept the challenge and wrote a full blog post on integration testing explaining his view-point and his experience with it and I think it’s worth reading.
    Challenge accepted – Integration Testing
  • The new Testing circus issue was out last week, some really interesting articles caught my attention right there, one by Rajesh Mathur called “The Painter who had a Certificate” – pretty interesting analogy between testing and painting, really creative. The other was the  loony sounding “10 Million USD Research Project to Guarantee Bug-Free Software”, which sounds almost as ambitious as finding the eternal engine or the ultimate painkiller, but it is interesting read, after all.
    Testing circus December.
  • This guy, Keith Klain must be the owner of the verbal analogue of the “Midas’ touch” as everything he says seems to be pure gold. I was literally blown away by his short talk published in Ministry of testing Dojo, on how to talk with C-level management about testing. I won’t spoil your pleasure with quotes, but if you are passionate about testing, you should watch this.
    Note: Free subscription for the Ministry of testing Dojo is required to watch the video.
    How to Talk to a CIO About Software Testing (If You Really Have to…) – Keith Klain
  • Few more great posts about Docker and all its diverse uses, I admit I have no experience with Raspberry Pi and IOT stuff, but I bet this first article is going to be interesting for people who have passion on poking hardware and building stuff on their own.
    Building a Rasperry Pi based Smart Gateway for IoT
  • The next one is mostly a practical tutorial on how to use Docker in order to improve encapsulation and module control for our binaries, deamons and processes, which is basically the idea behind running containerized applications.
    Dockerizing Commands
  • Another wonderful post by Jeff Nyman,  I like his way of writing for he tends to go deeper than just a tutorial and has a really interesting manner to connect things from different domains. Here he made a really profound analysis on what BDD is and what possible traps it might hide.
    The BDD Lure and Trap
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Senior software engineer in testing. The views I express here are mine, they don't represent any position held by any of my employers. Experience in mobile, automation, usability and exploratory testing. Rebel-driven tester, interested in the scientific part of testing and the thinking involved. Testing troll for life. Retired gamer and a beer lover. Martial arts practitioner.

See also  QAshido – The path of the tester. Virtue # 2 - Quality advocacy and negotiation skills.

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