Some kick ass blog posts from last week #10

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Hey there guys yaaay 10 kick ass blog posts already, I can’t believe I did something 10 times consistently without failing at least once. Here’s the list of posts for this week:

  • Jeff Nyman with a great post about WebDriverJS and the use of call backs and promises, really interesting if you are into JavaScript:
    WebDriver in JavaScript with Promises
  • Great talk from Test Bash NY 2015 by Keith Klain  on the lessons learned on selling software testing. It is a great opportunity to see the perspective of a test managers who tries to drive his team based on the CDT principles and all the lessons he learned by doing it. Not only that, Keith addresses many issues within the CDT community that we need to  work at. Great, inspirational and definitely a must-watch:
    Lessons Learned in (Selling) Software Testing – Keith Klain
  • Awesome post by Dan Ashby, explaining again that the role of automation in testing should be supplementary and not as a replacement of human testing activities. Dan made a great model of the testing and checking concepts and how they work together. Awesome post, I strongly recommend it:
    Information, and its relationship with testing and checking
  • Great news again, another software testing book is on the way, by Alan Richardson this time. “Dear Evil tester” is its name. What it is about and when to expect it, you can see for yourself here:
    Announcing “Dear Evil Tester” coming soon, and why I wrote it
  • I really recommend taking a look at Brendan Connolly‘s new post on ego, apathy and test cases. Interesting analysis with a little bit of philosophic of psychological taste. You can find the whole post here:
    Ego, Apathy, and Test Cases
  • And one last thing, that I found out, not a testing topic, but part of my other passions – hacking and security. We all know the Tor Browser and how everyone looks at it as the single option of being unrecognizable in internet, since the information that we all know is gathered by some agencies and the social media. Turns out, it’s not only the network security that we have to look out for, but there’s other smart tricks to identify user behavior. In this post the author explains how mouse motion and scrolling actions, can be tracked to patterns in creating a digital fingerprint, with which user could be identified online. It is a really interesting article:
    Advanced Tor Browser Fingerprinting
See also  Outdated testing concepts #1

Other roundup articles: 

Automate the planet’s Compelling Sunday. 

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Senior software engineer in testing. The views I express here are mine, they don't represent any position held by any of my employers. Experience in mobile, automation, usability and exploratory testing. Rebel-driven tester, interested in the scientific part of testing and the thinking involved. Testing troll for life. Retired gamer and a beer lover. Martial arts practitioner.

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